Building on the success of our conference last year, our Youth Climate Conference was held on Tuesday, 26th November 2024
We were delighted to deliver this year’s conference in partnership with Wicklow County Council and their Climate Officer Mark Costello at East Glendalough School in Wicklow Town.
Thanks to East Glendalough Principal Craig Petrie, TY Coordinator Jim Gargan, and school staff for hosting us in their school this year, and of course, the enthusiastic students who were be involved.
Our mission in Codling is to help deliver a future where Irish communities are powered by Irish energy, with cleaner air and a stronger community. Listening to and continually engaging with our communities is central to achieving this.
Codling Wind Park has the pleasure of working with the students and staff of East Glendalough School in Wicklow to deliver the second year of this conference ‘Our Climate, Our Future’ for the young people of Wicklow. We are very aware that it is the young people who face the most uncertain future in the fight against climate change. Codling Wind Park is really proud to be in a position to provide a platform to inform, empower and amplify the voices of young people in our community. This partnership with East Glendalough School and Wicklow County Council has provided our team with more determination to deliver the Codling Wind Park project for the future of Ireland and its next generations.Scott Sutherland, Director Codling Wind Park
We in East Glendalough School are just delighted to host the 2024 Youth Climate Conference. Living sustainably is something which we all need to educate ourselves about, and which the current generation of students have an enormous stake in. It's incredibly important for us as a School community that we look both at the changes we all must make - quickly - and at the opportunities we have in front of us to push on with this. These opportunities are both inside school and in all of our lives beyond the classroom. We know that we mustn't give in to denial of climate change, despair at the scale of the challenge or apathy towards the world we live in, and in that spirit, we are thrilled to welcome delegates to our School.
Craig Petrie, Principal East Glendalough School
It's inspiring to see East Glendalough Secondary School, Codling Wind Park, and Wicklow County Council coming together to host Wicklow's second Youth Climate Conference. Education is crucial in addressing the challenges of climate change, and it's exciting to note that climate-related subjects are now part of the Leaving Certificate curriculum in several schools across the county. Climate literacy has become an essential element of climate action, shifting from a peripheral issue to a central focus that influences people's beliefs, attitudes, policy preferences, and behaviours towards climate change
Councillor Paul O’Brien, Cathaoirleach of Wicklow County Council
Codling Wind Park and Wicklow County Council are delighted to introduce the TY students from East Glendalough School in Wicklow Town behind this year’s event. The team will be helping us with promoting the conference, interviewing our guest speakers and ensuring the day runs smoothly. The talented student committee includes Noah, Angus, Síofra, Evie, Daniel, Kristina, Hayley, Grace, Lucy, Tom, Ruby, Amelia, Rosie, Isabella, Sarah & Mia.